EHR | EMR | Practice Management Software Installations Challenges
We joined a discussion group on Linkedin discussing challenges with current EHR / EMR installations, so far there are over 2,567 comments on the subject.  Read more about the Current Challenges of EMR’s

Here is our response:

After speaking with several hospitals over the last few years of our product development, I have found that most installations such as (Meditech) do not take the time to truly understand the workflow of the hospital, specifically the nurses using the system on the daily basis. The systems are not intuitive the UI’s are poorly designed, and users have to spend multiple minutes clicking a chain of command to finally get to where they want to go in the system.

The new Web 2.0 health software that is coming to market will change this but most organizations have already heavily invested in their current system and will not change any time soon.

The future in EMR’s / practice management software will be a modular system where different vendors built products “Apps” that can plug in play into a overall master program, giving the IT department choices on which types of apps they want to use. The apps will be built on a common platform so that they all communicate with one another. No one vendor gets it right with all the features, innovations etc.

Our goal with our product Electronic Referral Manager is to create a modular design, for just one key system, Referrals. And design it to the specifications of the organization purchasing the app. They key will be that each organization can optimize the program to its exact specifications in minutes instead of the months/years that a standard program would take to install

We are currently enrolling practitioners into our beta trials and are looking for key advisors to help us with the process. If you are interested sign up here to help.

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