Wanted to say thanks for +Rick Eliason for putting these tips together.  It will take  you a while to get through them all but the concepts will help your practice excel both online and with your patients.

50 Google+ Tips

Top 50 Tips on Google+

1. Create A Killer Hovercard: goo.gl/ifDhJW
2. Sharing to Circles vs. Publicly: goo.gl/1qr0YO
3. Google+ Communities: goo.gl/NC21Ly
4. Share Your G+ Posts on Other SM : goo.gl/QeefiD
5. Report Issues With G+ or Suggest Ideas: goo.gl/FywX2c

6. Create A “Save For Later” Circle: goo.gl/PmBRWf
7. Add A Large Image To Your Post: goo.gl/lVr3yj
8. The Various G+ Keyboard Shortcuts : goo.gl/7BaxMs
9. Share Someone Else’s G+ Post : goo.gl/DYJo3U
10. Create A Mini Blog on G+: goo.gl/zEVIOM

11. Host A Google+ Hangout: goo.gl/2P0n0Q
12. Leave A Wake of Value-Add In Your Path: goo.gl/lpCzaD
13. Take Control Of Your G+ Notifications: goo.gl/WHU0p3
14. SEO Your Google+ Posts: goo.gl/oYb6J1
15. How To Find Things On G+: goo.gl/rY18uQ

16. Formatting For Beautiful, Engaging Posts: goo.gl/mnfP5d
17. How To Disable Comments & Shares: goo.gl/Bkc6Mp
18. Attract More Comments With Gifs & Image Posts: goo.gl/VGcNhl
19. Start A Conversation With Someone : goo.gl/VXOVmy
20. Create An Event Using G+: goo.gl/IUFmlP

21. Enable Automatic Hash-tagging: goo.gl/MuoV9h
22. Don’t Give Up At The First Hurdle: goo.gl/2zdPQ8
23. The Benefits of Link Shorteners: goo.gl/pwfGXo
24. Understanding Ripples & Using Them To Your Advantage: goo.gl/Z47kxp
25. What Not To Do On G+ (Part 1): goo.gl/IdP51J

26. Edit Posts – Did You Know You Could Do That?: goo.gl/aFsKU9
27. Choose The Best Link Thumbnail For Your Post: goo.gl/wXTSh4
28. Start Building Your Author Rank: goo.gl/4427P3
29. Link G+ To Your Content With Authorship Tags: goo.gl/Rn4GGJ
30. Curate & Streamline Circles for Awesome News Streams: goo.gl/e8lNhh

31. Use Eye-Grabbing Headlines: goo.gl/p45IPK
32. Use Google Drive With Google+: goo.gl/zpwHHC
33. Track Circle Shares With CircleCount: goo.gl/TXfe2j
34. Be Awesome With AutoAwesome: goo.gl/Inq2bX
35. Build Your Following By Watching Hangouts: goo.gl/Rjgrhi

36. Overcome Difficulties With Plus-Mentioning People: goo.gl/nQsT9T
37. Write Posts That People Are Actually Looking For: goo.gl/D8NwGh
38. Use ‘The Google+ Effect’ To Improve Your Twitter Experience: goo.gl/hLE1Ia
39. Learn How To Use Images Appropriately & Legally: goo.gl/D3dzCc
40. Learn To Schedule Posts With +Do Share:  goo.gl/1BUcrN

41. Build A Community Around Your Passion: goo.gl/IsFrHg
42. Optimise Your Profile/Page/Community For Search: goo.gl/YMblJF
43. Share Beyond Your Circles & GPlussers: goo.gl/ryHWHQ
44. Blocking & Muting People – As Simple As It Sounds?: goo.gl/wqsXnN
45. Extend The Life Of Your Best Posts: goo.gl/tGw9g7

46. Merge Multiple Google+ Profiles Together: goo.gl/sRKzp8
47. Using Your About Tab More Effectively: goo.gl/sNqUDQ
48. Posting Multiple Photos Per Post: goo.gl/sM32aP
49. Use Google+ …Every Day: goo.gl/fS0tIq
50. What Not To Do On Google+ (Part 2): goo.gl/3ahoO4

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