Technology is bringing about greater convenience in the healthcare department. Nowadays, both medical staff and patients have immediate access to accurate medical records. They can acquire both soft copies and hard copies of their medical records and results at any instant of the day. With detailed digital healthcare analytics, healthcare practices are able to treat patients better and offer an improved patient experience.
However, with increased ease comes greater intricacies and details too. Today, the healthcare department does not only have to look into the medical stuff. But they also have to look into the technical matters. These are, of course, related to both management and patient care as well as diagnosis.
The primary upgrades that healthcare is currently coping with include bridging platforms, i.e., web and apps. This post aims to unravel the details of ten key digital healthcare analytics for providers and payers along the same lines.
What are Healthcare Analytics?
Healthcare data refers to patient-associated data. It may include personal medical records or the performance of a certain hospital in the industry. On the contrary, healthcare analytics refers to the data of the technologies used to maintain healthcare data.
These technologies may be managing or analyzing healthcare data. It enables the concerned authorities to make more effective and efficient decisions. It helps to direct resources towards departments that require them the most. Thus, enhance the overall experience of both payer and provider.
With that said, below, you will find the top ten key digital healthcare analytics for both the involved parties.
1. User Feedback
Healthcare companies may design and develop any product using vigorous testing to ensure it is foolproof. However, there is no evidence of whether the products are certainly ideal until user feedback is collected.
User feedback plays a crucial part in determining the value and identifying the errors of your product. Healthcare service providers can gather this feedback by:
- Live Q&A on social media platforms
- Live Chat Support/Chatbots
- Email Surveys
- Run polls
- Call customers
After data collection, these companies can use it to refine and create better products. The information can assist in fixing bugs and reducing overall negative feedback.
2. Click-through Rate
Click-through rate or CTR represents the effectiveness of your CTA, i.e., call to action when a user clicks at your ad, email, or link via your mobile app, website, or landing page. There’s a 3.27 percent CTR for search & about 0.59% for display networks in the healthcare department. This is higher than most other industries, which makes this analytic all the more worthy of your attention.
Knowing CTR enables the provider to improvise CTA, work on SEO for the better, and improvise the PPC marketing strategy. And the most effective way of improvising these altogether includes updating your pages with relevant information, making the pages more mobile-friendly, enhancing page load speed, and incorporating the right keywords.
3. App Update Frequency
Never expect an application to yield results without constant maintenance. Regular updates and monitoring keep an application ranking high.
Healthcare providers can use different work order software to track app update frequency for efficient results. These updates can be as little as minor bug fixes or slightly altering descriptions.
Nowadays, third-party software with no physical connection to any device (SaaS) is gaining popularity. Providers can also develop health-related software to benefit from the rising SaaS growth. It will increase service awareness as well as revenue.
4. Bounce Rate
Like Click-through rates, bounce rate also helps providers determine where to invest. For payers, it determines the quality of experience. By definition, bounce rate refers to the rate at which the users or visitors bounce back from the webpage. It refers to the rate upon which the visitors leave the webpage almost as soon as they visit. Certainly, the higher the bounce rate, the lower your page will rank on Google or any other search engine.
It will represent your failure to provide the relevant content or perhaps have way too many irrelevant and annoying ads on your website. At times, if your app or website is not responsive, that too may drive your audience away. You ought to improve these areas and work on lowering the bounce rate as much as possible.
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on5. Conversion Rate
In the health industry, the conversation rate refers to the percentage of the website or mobile app visitors that fulfill the desired call to action (top-funnel goal).
Conversion rate determines how successful the healthcare product is and how much improvement it requires. Usually, the rate for health industry websites is high that ranges from 3 to 8-percent.
Measuring a particular website’s conversion rate involves a formula, i.e., conversions/number of visitors in a certain period * 100-percent.
In case your conversion rate is going low, you can enhance it by emphasizing these methods:
- Catchiness of headlines
- Traffic sources
- Site speed
- Target demographics
- Graphics
- Content
- Ease of use
These areas of the website directly impact the user experience. Hence, the better these are, the more the conversion rate will become.
6. Device-Oriented Traffic
With an array of devices in hand, healthcare providers need to consider everyone’s needs. The apps and websites need to be programmed such that they are compatible with mobile devices and desktop pc. This technical, analytical detail supports the same stance as that of unresponsive pages. So, one should rather invest in preventive maintenance and measures rather than investing in newer features.
7. Wearable Technology
Wearable technology has evolved into prominent marketing and advertising tool. Wristwatches are one of the most commonly used tools.
Healthcare organizations can improve provider/payer relationships a lot from wearable technology. It gives them a deeper insight into what the patient likes and prefers. Hence, enabling them to be more efficient in service optimization.
Plus, wearable technology extends your products to brand advocates who increase advisement. As a result, people feel encouraged to purchase, which boosts revenue.
8. Time of Active Operation
Here we look into the time during which the users actively interacts with your website. Usually, users leave a site within two minutes. Sometimes after they have their work done and sometimes because they did not find relevant information on your page, in this case, the healthcare department already has luck on its side as the sessions are usually longer than others. You can extend the time spent by a user by providing more relevant information.
9. Browser-Orientation
There are several different browser types used in the world. Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera are only a few of the many. Surveys reveal that Google Chrome dominates all browsers by 63.6-percent, Safari becomes second with 19.3-percent, and Firefox takes 3.6-percent.
But, what does the healthcare industry has to do with it?
Well, providers can evaluate the browser preferred by most of their website visitors and optimize the site accordingly. The optimization can improve the visitor experience incredibly. Hence, converting them from visitors to dedicated product users.
10. Mobile Friendliness
Although most analytics stressed the very fact, here’s where we will stress it further; make things portable! With handheld devices becoming the most relied-on options of all, health departments need to make their webs more compatible with mobile devices. You can do so by focusing more on apps.