When it comes to building a sustainable practice, where referrals come from both patients and other practitioners, the key is to spread the word about who you are, why you are so great, and where to find you.

The problem is that most doctors don’t know where to start. What’s the best approach to connect with other doctors?

Social networking for doctors is one of the most underutilized ways to generate referrals. It is also one of the easiest things to do today with the Internet and social networking sites like LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the best social networking website for connecting with other professionals in your neighborhood. It is one of the social networking websites that caters more to business owners and professionals to build relationships. Doctors can easily benefit from the growing popularity of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Tips for Doctors

  1. Set your LinkedIn profile to ‘Public.’ This can be found in your settings.
  2. Create an additional LinkedIn profile for your website and/or blog. You are not required to only have one profile for you personally.
  3. Use all the links you are allowed. LinkedIn allows you to include up to three links. You can point one to your blog, your website, and even your Facebook page.
  4. Integrate your blog’s RSS feed into your LinkedIn account. On the bottom right of your home page, you’ll see the “Add an Application” button. You can also use this area to integrate your Twitter feed and Slideshare account into your LinkedIn profile.
  5. Ask meaningful questions in the LinkedIn Q&A section. It’s also best to answer questions. You are welcome to include helpful links back to your website or blog. Be sure to keep it relevant to show you are there to help and offer information.
  6. Great video explaining the benefits of adding social plugins to your website – a must-see that can increase patient views of your website by 200 to 500 percent or more. – Click to watch a video about a secret LinkedIn tip

One of the other benefits of using LinkedIn is the ability to further your personal branding. It’s not uncommon for your patients to look into their doctor’s practice, especially if it is a new physician. If they see that you helpfully provide answers to questions in the Q&A section, they’ll see you more as an expert. You will also be helping to educate the public at the same time.

Now that you are aware of the benefits of using LinkedIn social networking, you should create your profile. Follow the steps above to ensure you use it to the fullest potential and start building relationships with other doctors in your area.

Social networking for doctors is only the beginning of generating a larger referral practice. You can also take it to the next level by using online patient referrals with the latest technology. More accurate and secure, electronic referral letters can help streamline your referral process with other professionals in your area. Take a free tour today to learn how you can connect electronically with your peers.

Need more Referral Tips?

Here are 2 amazing resources you can use to generate huge traffic to your website
1. 8 Quick Steps You Can Do Today to Set Your Healthcare Practice Up for Gigantic Success
2. The Doctor’s Ultimate Guide to Blogging – Weekly RoundUp

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